Saturday, April 9, 2011

hair loss treatment


Women Hair Loss Treatment History

It's a well known and an almost accepted fact that men begin to lose hair sometime during their adult life. Women have hair loss issues as well. Over forty percent of the Americans who have hair loss issues are women, but somehow society overlooks that fact and women are left to deal with the devastating emotional and self image complications alone and they find themselves suffering in silence. Doctor's don't pay much attention to women who are losing their hair, so women hair loss treatments have been almost non-existent until recently. Losing hair is not a life threatening scenario, so women who do complain about the problem get answers like, "You just have to deal with it, or it's no big deal."

Hair loss in women is serious and it's a life changing experience. The psychological damage, as well as the stress related to hair loss, has a dramatic affect on women. Eventually other health conditions surface that must be treated and in a lot of cases the original problem that resulted in hair loss may go undetected, which can create a huge medical fiasco for the hair loss patient. The primary medical task is to identify the psychological cause that is creating an imbalance in the physiological make up of the patient and begin an effective women hair loss treatment that deals with the cause, as well as the effect. Women can experience temporary hair loss or long lasting loss, so it's important to find the cause as quickly as possible, so the hair loss is not long lasting.

There are several effective natural remedies for hair loss. In fact, many of them date back centuries to cultures across the world. Only recently, have medical experts begun to confirm the efficacy of the natural hair loss treatment. But natural hair loss treatment comes in many forms.

Simply swap out your regular shampoo for one with hair loss protection, and you can improve your scalp's health. However, herbal shampoos on their own usually aren't enough. It's best to use them in conjunction with another more effective hair loss treatment. aEc Home RemediesaE" It seems like there's a home remedy for everything. Hair loss is no different. Some people swear by their olive oil. Simply massage the olive oil into your scalp, and the belief is your hair will stop falling ouOthers rub mayonnaise through their hair to stop hair loss. How well these home remedies truly work is debatable. aEc SupplementsaE"Hair loss supplements seem to be the most effective solution to thinning hair. Regenix is a leading hair loss treatment that improves blood flow to the scalp while blocking the production of DHT.

Why is Sephren such a Good Women Hair Loss Treatment?

Sephren is an excellent women hair loss treatment product, because it contains all natural ingredients that will stimulate the body to do what it does naturally. Sephren not only contains Biotin, B6, Magnesium oxide and PABA, it also contains Horsetail Silica, as well as antioxidants, so the follicles are stimulated. Sephren understands that in order for any women hair loss treatment to function it needs minerals plus skin conditioning and moisturizing properties. Sephren contains amino acids, which are the fuel that's needed to help the pituitary gland produce more Human Growth Hormone, which activates hair follicles. Sephren is the women's hair loss treatment that works because of its all natural active ingredients. Sephren is the women's hair loss treatment that restores confidence by activating dormant hair follicles, so hair can grow naturally.

The hair loss treatment that we are talking about aims at activating your dead hair follicles. The growth of hair largely depends on the functioning of hair follicles. These follicles are located underneath the skin and derive nourishment from blood cells. These oxygen-rich blood cells provide nourishment to the hair follicles. As such, it is important that the blood cells are rich in minerals, iron, vitamin, and other essential components. Blood cells will be healthy if you eat well. A balanced and nutritious diet will provide the necessary nourishment to your hair follicles. Nevertheless, if your hair follicles are already undernourished and lack nutrition, the use of herbal products can make a difference.

A hair loss treatment starts by cleansing the pores, the product then penetrates deep into the hair follicles. It improves blood circulation and provides essential nutrients to regain the function of the hair follicle

Hair Loss Treatment-a Silent Revolution To Cure Baldness

Older techniques of hair loss treatment were so painful and intrusive that they were classified as medically invasive surgery, often involving a painful recovery time that presented a high risk of post operation infection and a depressingly large chance that the therapy would not take. Modern techniques, by contrast, have been designed so well that they are now viewed as simple minor operations, with the only really likely after effect being a mild swelling that is easily controlled by prescribing anti inflammatory drugs.

The old style hair loss therapies involved removing large strips of donor skin with the hair still in it and grafting them onto the necessary sites. The technique did work, but it was painful and obvious – even the most skilled surgeon could do nothing about the natural growth direction of the donor hair, with the frequent result that the old hair loss treatment styles "took" with hair that was so obviously from another part of the body that it looked fake in most lights. Modern treatment involves selecting and removing individual follicles, which are chosen for their suitability in terms of growth direction, the follicles are implanted singly in the required area, whereupon they take root and shed. The root remains: the new hair grows quite naturally in its transplant position, and in the direction that the replaced hair should have been following. The results are almost completely natural and carry very little risk of failure or complication.

These new advances in hair loss treatment are offering a huge ray of hope to men and women alike – people whose congenital baldness or baldness resulting from some form of acquired illness, has been a bane of existence for many painful years. Accident victims are now able to re-grow hair even in plastic replacement areas, provided the graft has left some living tissue beneath: meaning that the new techniques are able to restore hair to a wide range of patients and sufferers. Because the techniques are way less invasive than old style hair loss treatment, there's a much more forgiving recovery period – and the success of the operation is usually obvious after just a couple of weeks

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