Tuesday, November 8, 2011


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Definition : It is a neurodevelopmental disability with brain showing normal growth and the
child presenting with the following featuires :
1 . difficulty interacting with family members or any stranger.
2 . compulsive need for specific routines and pattern through out the day
3 . obsession with areas of interest, subjects, and items.
The international communities lists it among five top notch pervasive developmentakl disorder with communication, language and speech deficits and limited vestibular senses & propriooception.
-It is third most common disability after cerebral palsy and mental retardation.
- about 4 lac children and adults are suffering from autism in United States.
- male to female ratio is 5:1
- 1 in 150 child births in US suffer from autism.
-majority of children are of less than 3 years.
- socioeconomic and geographical location have no bearing on the incidence of autism
1 . Childhood integrative disorder:
Age at onset is 2 years.
Clinical features: inability to speak or inarticulate speech.
Limited social movement or communication
Loss of bowel or bladfder control
Decreased normal body movements
Decreased intelligence quotient.

2 . Autism spectrum disorder:
These children represent with high IQ, PROBLEM socializing people, repetition and limited interest in activities.
3 . Autism awareness autism : is a complex develop[mental disability that typically affects in first three years of life and effects com,munication and intervention.
4 . Atypical Autism : is a pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
Therapy with the very young often focuses on speech and language training, special education, parent education, training and support and pharmacotherapy.
Older children and adolescents with poor social skills and psychiatric symptoims may
Require psychotherapy, behavioural and cognitive therapy, and pharmacxotherapy.

• BEHAVIORAL THERAPY: 1. Assesment of basic language and learning skills.
2. structured behavioural interview.
3. Pairing with the child.
4. Gaining instructional control.
5. Reinforcement.
Behavioral modification : is a major part of the overall treatment for autistic students.
These procedures include Enhancement and reduction.
ENHANCEMENT i.e., rewards emphasizing appropriate choice.
REDUCTION i.e., extinction,time-out,punishment.
Therapy in the home is their natural environment. And it's important for autistic children to receive services in their natural environment because it's often hard for them to understand that the same behaviors are expected of them at home and at school and everywhere else. On the other hand socialization is also important and children don't get much of that when they're kept at home.

* LANGUAGE AND SPEECH TRAINING: The methods are being developed to help increase spontaneous language usage, that maximizes the autistic child’s communication :
1. auditory integration training
2. use of facilitated communication.
The latter been disavowed by many professional organizations. Often parents and even siblings know what the child wants before he asks for it. We had to pretend like we didn't know. We were his in-home speech therapists. Sometimes when Braden wanted something he would throw a fit to get it. It was hard, but we had to wait until he communicated appropriately before we gave him the item he wanted. We had to stop enabling him and we had to start rewarding him for communicating properly.
Fading the prompt means to use your gesture or action less and less, fade it out. As time goes on your child will learn what to say in different circumstances. Using the example above, a few months later you may only need to look at your child with a wide eyed inquisitive look and then he remembers to say "I want a drink" all on his own. That's fading the prompt.
Use Every OpportunityThe speech therapist works with you, the parents, as well as your child. Using all his/her knowledge as a speech and language pathologist isn't going to help much if you're doing something totally different at home, or worse yet, doing nothing at home. You will become educated and you'll learn to "generalize" everything at home that your child learns while in therapy sessions. Consistency is important. Your autistic child needs to learn that this stuff isn't just expected of him while in therapy, but also at home, school, the store, and everywhere else.

• DIET SUPPLEMENTS: Minerals and multi vitamins, mainly Vitamin C
• MEDICAL INTERVENTION : Pharmacotherapy is sometimes used to ameliorate the target behaviours which include hyperactivity, tantrums, physical aggression, self injurious behavior, stereotypies, and anxiety symptoms e.g.obsessive compulsive behaviors.The following can be used as modalities in pharmacotherapy :
1 . Neuroleptics : haloperidol may be used in diminishing generalized behaviours . When used on a short term mimnimal dosage, doesn’t produce any side effects.
2 . Tricyclic anti depressants: clomipramine is useful in reducing compultions and stereotypies in autistic children.
3 . Cerebral stimulants : SSRIS, and clonidine may also be used to treat autistic children.
• BIOMEDICINE: Biomedicine and biomedical treatment are often employed for a number of conditions that include: autism, Asperger’s, allergies, asthma, learning disabilities, speech disorders, auditory problems, sensory processing issues, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, heavy metal toxicity related diseases, tics and seizures as well as many other gastrointestinal disorders and adverse reactions to some vaccines.
• Biomedical treatments for autism are in a group of therapies that treat the underlying biochemical imbalances and deficiencies in the body that may cause autism or autistic-like symptoms. They are whole body treatment approaches based upon the idea that abnormalities like hormone imbalances, vitamin deficiencies and environmental pollutants cause autism symptoms.
• These autism biomedical and alternative treatments are not backed by science and many of them are cause for controversy. In fact none of them are proven in the scientific realm. But then science hasn't given us a whole lot to go on since they've yet to find the cause or cure for ASD's. Science doesn't back every form of therapy. Some, including music therapy, contain too many other variables to positively identify whether or not it's effective from a scientific standpoint. In those cases I don't put a whole lot of stock in science because I've seen things work for my son that were not scientifically proven. Loving parents (and grandparents) can have a HUGE impact on their autistic child. Can science measure that? Let's face it, loving parents can have a HUGE impact on any child.
• Autism Biomedical Treatments
• • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
• • Chelation
• • The DAN! Protocol
• • Gluten Free Casein Free Diet
• • Vitamin B12
• • Valtrex
• • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
• • Adult Stem Cell Therapy
• • and more.
• ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: Acupuncture, Reiki,etc.
• WEIGHTED PRODUCTS : Mswiring of the sensory integrative system in the brain.
• HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY : Such hyperbaric centres utilizing the pressurized oxygen filled chambers or tubes are seen functioning in California with outstanding results. I've heard of a couple different methods for HBOT but the most common method seems to be placing your child inside a small chamber where they lay down and relax. Oxygen is supplied to the chamber for a determined amount of time. The rationale behind using hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a treatment for ASD is that the treatments increase blood flow to the brain and with that increased blood flow an increased amount of oxygen is delivered to areas of the brain, which are thought to be oxygen deficient. Greater amounts of blood and oxygen to the brain stimulate cerebral tissues and aid in recovery. HBOT is also thought to reduce excess fluids and swelling of brain tissues which aid in neurological function. HBOT would certainly be classified as an unconventional autism biomedical treatment.
• Chelation (key-lay-shin)

• More commonly used to treat lead poisoning, chelation is also thought to help people with autism. It can be administered intravenously or with oral supplementation. Many parents who choose to chelate their child will use supplements that can be purchased over-the-counter. Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) is one of several chelating agents that is available. It enters the bloodstream and bonds with heavy metals. When the EDTA exits the body, usually in stool, the mercury is forced out with it. The rationale is that some autistic children have an unusually high amount of heavy metals in their bodies, especially mercury, which triggers the symptoms of ASD. And removing those metals will aid in recovering the child. Again, it's an unconventional autism biomedical treatment.
• The DAN! Protocol

• DAN is an acronym for Defeat Autism Now which is a project of the Autism Research Institute. You might say DAN doctors think outside the box. They may use certain methods with certain children, but each of those methods may be different. It's not uncommon for a DAN doctor to use nutritional supplements, special diets, and detoxification with their patients. Their thought is that autism is a biomedical disorder, not necessarily psychological and they treat it accordingly. Essentially these doctors are licensed health care providers who have attended a pair of two-day trainings. There is no further credentialing, testing, or follow up. Doctors then sign the philosophy statement and pay an annual fee.
• Gluten Free Casein Free Diet

• This strict diet basically eliminates wheat and dairy products from the body. This is one of the alternative treatments my wife and I tried with our son for a while. It can be difficult and costly but some parents claim it has worked wonders for their children. It's based on the belief that a child may be allergic to gluten and casein, which may be triggering the symptoms of autism, or at least contributing to them.
• Vitamin B12

• The belief here is that nutritional deficiencies are possibly causing autism, or causing the symptoms of ASD to be more severe. Vitamin B12 and autism biomedical therapy to the rescue! Apparently B12 is an essential vitamin for healthy brain function. It helps to manufacture the protective layer surrounding nerves in the brain, and in addition it helps the brain to produce neurotransmitters, which are vital for communication within the brain. When taken intravenously, proponents believe B12 increases the absorption of essential nutrients into the body. This aids the nervous system leading to improvements in behaviors of autistics.
• EDUCATION : The most successful educational model at present is TEACHH (Programme for the treatment andeducation of Autistic and related communication handicapped children). The following treatment principles are emphasized ;
1 . objective measures suchj as CARS (CHILDHOOD AUTIOSM RATING SCALES).
2 . enhancement of skills and acceptance by the environment of autism-related deficits.
3 . use of interventions based on cognitive and behavioural theories.
4 . use of visual structures for optimal education.
5. and multidisciplinary training for all professionals working with autistic children.

Friday, April 29, 2011




=CgrW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v A6rX3G4&feature=related




Obesity is a condition wherein a person is said to have increased body weight that is the direct result of excessive fat accumulation. An unhealthy condition, it is typically marked by excess amount of fat in the adipose tissues. Obesity could be a direct result of one's genetic predisposition, or eating too much of the wrong foods, or even eating robustly well and not exercising enough, leading to severe health consequences. This in time results in becoming overweight or obese. It is therefore imperative that exercise and healthy diet are combined to fight obesity.
The most recent research statistics on growing obesity disclose a dangerously overweight world population. During the last 10 years, there was a dramatic increase in obesity in the world, especially in the United States, England, and Canada. Over the years, the occurrence of obesity has also steadily increased among all genders, ages, all education levels, and ethnic groups.
Obesity is a severe health condition where a person accumulates an abnormally high proportion of body fat. This condition can increase risk of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. The body mass index (BMI) is the common method used to determine obesity and is based on the relation between height and weight.
Obesity statistics indicate that it is the biggest health threat that confronts America today. This warning comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths annually. It also costs the nation a crippling $122.9 billion.
Obesity has risen to epidemic proportions worldwide. Unfortunately, obesity cannot be cured just by medicines, it needs to be worked at constantly so that a healthy weight loss is achieved and maintained. At some point treatments for obesity are bound to fail because without diet control and exercise there is nothing that can sustain the achieved weight loss. Medical treatments are generally time bound and do not come with recommendations for lifetime use.
The Causes of Obesity And Ways to Avoid it
The Causes of Obesity And Ways to Avoid itAn individual is considered obese if his/her bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be. There are various causes of obesity, such as an inactive lifestyle, genes, smoking, and environmental factors. You should exercise regularly to maintain your bodyweight
Use of weight loss pills to fight obesity, especially Xenical
Obesity has risen to epidemic proportions worldwide. Unfortunately, obesity cannot be cured just by medicines, it needs to be worked at constantly so that a healthy weight loss is achieved and maintained. At some point treatments for obesity are bound to fail because without diet control and exercise there is nothing that can sustain the achieved weight loss. Medical treatments are generally time bound and do not come with recommendations for lifetime use.
Medicines when used as an adjunct to diet and exercise help in weight loss as well as diet reduction. When used for a recommended time period these medications rarely cause side effects. Two obesity drugs found on the market today are Xenical and Reductil.
Xenical has been approved for use in people who carry 30% more fat than the normal recommended weight. Xenical works in the digestive tract and is not absorbed into the blood stream. It works by absorbing 30% of the fat in the diet from the intestinal tract. Side effects of this medication include diarrhea.
It is known that people taking Xenical for about a year lose an average of 13.4 pounds; almost 8 pounds more than one would lose using any ordinary diet.
Why Xenical?
Such is the stigma of obesity that exercise alone rarely helps achieve adequate weight loss. In order to achieve significant weight loss, weight loss pills work as an adjunct to diet and exercise routine. Xenical helps you acquire a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Anybody suffering from being severely overweight or obese can now buy authentic Xenical from authentic health care provider online. You must have a valid prescription before placing order online. Some of the online health care providers also facilitates to conduct an online consultation before you are dispensed a prescription.

Surgical Treatment of Obesity

Obesity is a chronic medical condition without a "cure." For severely obese patients who have significant obesity-related medical complications (hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.), surgery is an option. Generally, the weight criterion for surgery is to be at least 100 lbs. (45 kg.) over your ideal body weight. The surgical methods have changed over the years but can be divided into gastric (stomach) restrictive procedures and gastrointestinal (intestinal) bypass procedures.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Eczema is one of the few skin conditions that do not respond well to medicines and pharmaceutical treatment provided by your physician. If you have chronic eczema, the only truly effective way to treat it your skin is by using a natural eczema treatment.

Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema (the most common form of eczema). Atopic eczema mainly affects children, but it can continue into adulthood or start later in life. The word eczema comes from the Greek word ekzein meaning "to boil out"; the Greek word ek means "out", while the Greek word zema means boiling.

Symptoms of Eczema

The symptoms of eczema are related to the skin, as eczema is a skin condition. Here are some of the eczema skin symptoms that may signify someone is suffering from eczema.

There is a rash

The skin is itchy

It may be dry, red, patchy or crackedIt may weep

The skin may feel rough

There may be lesions which become infected.

Causes of Eczema

There are two types of eczema. Atopic eczema is thought to be a hereditary condition. People with atopic eczema are sensitive to allergens in the environment which are harmless to others. In atopic eczema there is an excessive reaction by the immune system. This type of eczema can worsen after eating certain foods or after being exposed to other allergens such as pollen or dust. Atopic eczema can be a long-term condition. Contact dermatitis is the most common form of the condition and is often the result of an allergic reaction after touching something. This type of eczema can be caused by many irritants including feathers, metals, wool, plants and animal hair, soaps and detergents, bubble bath, cosmetics, fabric dyes, etc. It is important to remember many things can cause eczema.

Home Remedies for Eczema

Coconut oil can be applied to the portions with eczema. It helps the skin to remain soft. This is a good eczema remedy.

A light mudpack applied over the place of eczema is also very beneficial. Good home remedy for eczema.

Sunbathing is also beneficial as it kills the harmful bacteria.

Make a fine paste of 1 tsp camphor and 1-teaspoon sandalwood. Apply this paste on the affected eczema areas. This is very good and simple home remedy for eczema.

Water treatments have also been proved useful in eczema treatment like cold compress or cold wet fomentations. It can be applied twice daily depending on the severity of the problem.

Find powerful herbal remedies Natural Remedies for Eczema

Make a fine paste by adding 1 tbls of turmeric powder and 1 tbls of bitter neem leaves. Apply this paste to the affected areas. This eczema remedy is one of the effective home remedies for eczema.

Soaps, chemicals and other drying agents should be avoided.

Rub nutmeg against a smooth stone with a few drops of water. Make a smooth paste and apply. This is also good and one of the useful home remedies for eczema.

Application of spearmint leaf juice also reduces eczema.

Mash almond leaves in water and apply on the area, it will also help in the eczema treatment.

It seems that when it comes to skin disease people are very anxious to get rid of it, because it influences their appearance and the way they are perceived by others.


1. Take an oatmeal bath: you can add 2 cups of oatmeal into lukewarm water and stay inside the bathtub for at least 20 minutes. This way you will keep your skin well hydrated.

2. Avoid clothing that is poor fitting or scratchy. Wool can really irritate your skin. Synthetic materials, such as polyester, can irritate as well.

3. Moisturizers keep the skin soft, supple and away from dryness and must be applied whenever the skin needs it.

4. Avoid clothing that is poor fitting or scratchy. Wool can really irritate your skin. Synthetic materials, such as polyester, can irritate as well.

5. The rising up of eczema problem like itching can be reduced to a greater extent by altering the regular diet like including more fruits and vegetables and avoiding oil foods and fatty oils. Following a perfectly balanced diet with more salads and vegetables can bring in more water restoration in the skin making it soft and supple.

6. Carrot and musk melon is particularly beneficial in cases of eczema. The should be taken three to four times daily reducing the intake later on and adding milk and curds. Muskmelon should be washed down with cow's milk. The combination of muskmelon and milk is not harmful as it is commonly supposed.

7. Many cleaning products and toiletries can bring on an attack of eczema such as perfumed soaps and products, detergents and other household cleaning products. Try to use organic, chemical and perfume free skin cream and products and use hypo- allergenic protective gloves when using cleaning products.

8. Eat the proper foods: the right nutrition will help your body reproduce healthy skin cells and prevent this condition. Try to include fish such as salmon in your diet, because it's rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Also the consumption of fruits and vegetables can be very helpful. Try to eliminate spices, coffee and chocolate from your diet.

9. Getting rid of eczema can greatly improve the quality of your life. You just need to use the correct method that will help you cure this condition safely and permanently.

10. Like homeopathy, a consultation with an acupuncturist will be lengthy, so that they can take a holistic approach to treatment. It is a method of natural healing whereby very fine needles are inserted into the skin at particular points of the body. There should be no pain, and many patients report that they cannot feel the needles at all. Acupuncture is said to remove blockages and restore the balance of energy in the body.

11. Avoid environmental factors that trigger allergies (e.g., pollens, molds, mites, and animal dander)


Acne scars fall in one of three categories: depressed-type scars, raised scars and skin discoloration. Of the three, most people developed depressed-type scars, which appear as saucer-shaped indentations in the skin. Skin discoloration appears as red, pink, brown or purple dots as pimples heal. This type of mark eventually disappears, and therefore isn't technically a scar, but still can be treated. Raised scars, which appear as uneven bumps on the skin, tend to be the most difficult to treat. Even though people outgrow adolescent acne, they may be still left with ugly and embarrassing acne scars. Luckily, there are ways to reduce or minimize the appearance of acne scars. The treatment you may need will depend on the severity of the scars.

1. Use natural treatments if you have mild scarring. Rose hip oil, lavender oil and aloe vera juice or gel may help reduce acne scars.

2. Apply a mixture of sandalwood paste in rosewater and leave it overnight and wash off the next morning. Repeat this process till there is marked improvement in scars. The usefuleness of sandalwood in skin care is so well known, that it has been one of the essential elements of make-up kit of women in India traditionally. Even now, there are several brands that prepare soaps with sandalwood as one of the key ingredients.

3. Fenugreek: It is commonly used in the treatment of acne scars. Boil some fenugreek seeds in water and cool it before applying to the scars. Application of face mask made of fenugreek leaves paste is also equally effective.

4. Honey: Honey is a natural moisturizer, which is used in the treatment of acne scars. Intake of honey and application of honey mask on the face are found to be effective in acne scar treatment.

5. Water is probably best available natural method to treat the acne scars. Drink plenty of water, as it helps in flushing out the toxins from your body and making it revitalized. Water also assists you in shedding dead skin cells and the formation of healthy skin. Drinking lukewarm water in the morning helps in flushing out toxins. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.

6. Over-the-counter treatments that work on depressed acne scars include vitamin C, retinol and glycolic acid. According to the AAD, these can help make shallow saucer-shaped scars less noticeable. For those with skin discoloration, creams that contain the ingredient hydroquinone can fade the colored dots in less time than it would take them to fade naturally.

7. Diminish acne scars by getting dermabrasion treatment or a chemical peel from a doctor. In a dermabrasion treatment, a rotating machine removes damaged skin after the application of anesthesia to numb the area. Scabs will form and the face is red for a few weeks. Chemical peels can improve mild acne scars.

Before using any at-home product to improve the look of your skin, talk with your dermatologist. Safety can be a concern. With improper use, at-home products such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels can actually make the scars more noticeable. Sometimes an active ingredient in a product can cause an unexpected skin reaction.


Acne Scars tend to be unattractive and unpleasant for many individuals, and so the faster they can remove them, the better. Here's a glance at a couple of the best and most efficient ways of how to get rid of acne scars.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars in 6 Ways...

Acne Laser Treatments: If you have tried lots of other treatments and have had no luck at all, you may want to give laser therapy a try. It is in no way inexpensive or convenient, but it is often tremendously useful for severe acne scarring.

Chemical Peels: If your skin can take on the applying of chemicals, perhaps you can take this route to begin getting rid of acne scars. Marginally harsh chemicals used by a specialist essentially exfoliate the skin and cause a clearer, smoother skin surface.

Prescriptions and Topical Creams: Generally, individuals attempting to find out how to get rid of acne scars talk to their skin doctor for a prescription. This is a good idea if you want to obtain the appropriate treatment for your particular kind of acne.

Healthier Diet: You don't need to turn into a health nut, but you will want to eat foods that'll help repair, defend, and nourish your skin. This includes fruits & veggies, fatty fish & fish oils, specific kinds of lean meats, walnuts (and other good types of nuts), and other natural foods. The majority of folks are not aware of this, but their diet ALONE can fight, protect against, and clear away acne; and that applies to acne scars as well.

Go With Tomatoes: Tomatoes are known to renew skin that's been damaged by acne. By slicing tomato and applying it to your face, you obtain immediate healing treatment which will restore your skin to it's normal, smooth free condition in no time.

Nightly Facial Masks: There is no finer, less expensive, or simpler approach to remove acne scars than this. Hassle-free face masks -- composed of cucumber, egg whites, aloe vera, oatmeal, etc -- will exfoliate and renew your skin. Just apply the mask, let it remain for 15-20 minutes, then wash away with warm water.

Remember, simply because you've learned how to get rid of acne scars in 6 ways, that doesn't mean it's going to happen right away. In all honesty, even with all the info you've just learned, it is still gonna be a long, tough struggle with lots of aggravation and a good deal of cursing. But hopefully, I've at least made it slightly less difficult for you.


These days, high blood pressure is a very common heart problem that has affected both old as well as young people. Unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activities and poor lifestyle are the leading factors responsible for this condition. In this article we will discuss some dietary guidelines and home remedies for patients suffering from high blood pressure.

Diet plays a crucial role in managing and controlling high blood pressure. A right diet can drastically help in lowering your blood pressure. Below are some useful dietary guidelines for patient suffering from hypertension.

1. Restrict animal protein intake. Meat, chicken, eggs and milk should also be used in restricted quantities. Vegetables and fruits should be preferred.

2. Restrict fat energy to 10-15%. Decrease fat energy sources such as ghee, butter, fish oils, groundnut oil, mustard oil, coconut oil and safflower oil in your diet. The total intake per day should be decreased to 5-10 grams. Prepare almost boiled vegetables without oils so that the major source of energy is carbohydrates with a fibrous diet.

3. Carbohydrates should be the main source of energy. Your diet should include lemon, amla, apple, papaya, orange, watermelon, tomato and green vegetables. Apple has the tendency to increase frequency of urine, thus lowering blood pressure. Fresh fruits should be preferred over fresh juice of those fruits so that fiber is included in your diet.

4. Restrict salt intake to 1-2 gm. Also avoid canned vegetables, fruits and their juices. Salty biscuits, mayonnaise preparations and other salad dressing should be strictly prohibited. High sodium vegetables as spinach, white turnips, mustard green, carrots and beetroots should be limited. Cereals such as cornflakes and quick-cooking oats are salty preparations too. Thin bread made from wheat flour should be preferred over bread and bread rolls.

5. Strictly prohibit smoking and alcohol.

Along with precautions and home remedies, medication has to be taken after consulting a doctor. Try to live a stress free life. Do shavasan frequently. Other light exercises that do not stress the heart must be practiced within limits.

In case of severely hypertensive patients, blood pressure check-up should be done daily; in fact, it should be twice or thrice a day. Medicines have to be strictly taken to normalize blood pressure. Control of high blood pressure has been shown to reduce the incidence of stroke, heart attack and other complications such as heart failure, renal failure and myocardial infarction.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the hypertension home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products or ingredients if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the website or the writer.

Blood pressure is the measure of pressure exerted by blood on the artery walls, as heart pumps blood in to the arteries to be carried forward to the other vital organs of body. Our heart is always at work, receiving impure blood, purifying it and supplying the other organs of body with pure oxygenated blood.

The circulation of blood from heart to other organs takes place by means of blood vessels called arteries. When blood travels through arteries, it exerts certain pressure on artery walls. The normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mm (millimeters of mercury). When there is an elevation in pressure, it is called high blood pressure or hypertension in medical terminology.

Pre-hypertension readings are around 139/89 mm. BP, beyond 140/90 mm is considered as really high BP. It needs stern timely management, or else it can cause serious damage to heart leading to cardiovascular disorders, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, hardening of artery walls or arteriosclerosis. Consistent high blood pressure may also cause renal failures, brain damage and various other complications.

BP is measured with the help of a pressure cuff, and the upper number or systolic pressure is the pressure of blood on arteries when heart contracts and pumps blood forward in to arteries. The lower number or diastolic pressure indicates the pressure of blood on arteries, when heart relaxes after contraction.


1. Aging
2. Heredity
3. Stress
4. Tobacco intake
5. Alcohol abuse
6. Obesity
7. High salt intake
8. Lack of exercise

Symptoms of High BP

1. Headache
2. Dizziness
3. Nausea and vomiting
4. Restlessness and irritation
5. Insomnia
6. Nose bleeding
7. Fatigue
8. Shortness of breath
9. Chest pain

Herbal Remedies to Lower High BP

1. Garlic is a major blood pressure herb. The sulphides in garlic bring down elevated pressure. One should consume 2-3 cloves of garlic daily.

2. Hawthorn is a beneficial herb for boosting heart function. It dilates arteries and allows easy coronary blood flow, thereby lowering BP.

3. Withania somnifera or ashwagandha is also an important BP lowering herb.

4. Ginger, another important herb lowers BP by relaxing muscles around blood vessels, toning up blood circulation and reducing cholesterol.

5. Red clover, an herb is known for its blood thinning properties. Thus it lowers blood pressure by allowing smooth flow of blood through arteries.

6. Kelp, a seaweed also lowers BP due to its capacity to thin the blood

7. Cinnamon, a healing herb rich in antioxidants, brings down LDL Cholesterol levels, makes body responsive to insulin and reduces BP.

8. Turmeric is also an effective herb. It contains curcumin, an antioxidant that improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

9. Olive leaf extracts are useful for checking irregular heart beats and lowering BP.

10. Gingko biloba, another herb, helps in expanding arteries, improving blood flow and supply of blood to the brain.

11. Stresx herbal supplement is another useful natural remedy for lowering high blood pressure and maintaining healthy BP.